Henna is best for conditioner and nourisher for your hair as it makes your hair thicker, stronger, and adds sheen. Helps in balancing pH of your scalp leaving your hair and scalp healthier. Rich in Lawson content!
Natural alternative Hair Dye and It is an excellent Hair Conditioner as well. Strong and Rich Coloration with Added Luster To Hair.
Indigo Powder gives Dark Blue shade on hair and Black shade when applied after Pure Henna.
The ingredients in natural hair dye binds with the hair, leaving it stronger, which means less risk of split ends and frizziness.
Indigo powder is a dye that comes from the crushed leaves of the indigo plant. It is a natural dye that you can use to colour your hair or beard, with or without henna. indigo powder and henna powder. It is green in appearance. used to make the indigo powder black hair